The Institute of Air and Space Law (IASL) of McGill University cordially invites you to attend the 2nd episode of its new webinar series “Law in a rapidly evolving Aviation Industry.” The webinar will take place on November 5, 2021, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm (EST) via zoom.
Episode 2: “Aviation Safety after the B737 MAX Case.”
The B737 MAX accidents, the ensuing congressional investigations and the consequent lawsuits have had a major impact on aircraft airworthiness certification and on aviation safety, not only in the US but also globally. The Webinar will examine and discuss the related issues, including the ways in which the B737 MAX Case may contribute to improve aviation safety in the future. The webinar will host presentations by our two invited speakers, Dr John Maris andMr Tommaso Sgobba, followed by comments from Mr Bryan DeCouto. Discussion and a Q&A session will conclude the webinar. Prof Ludwig Weber will moderate the panel and Ms Maria Manoli will open the session.
We thank Alicanto, the International Association of Aviation and Aerospace Education, for its support of the series.
Attendance is free of charge and registration is not required. For more information on the webinar, please contact Maria Manoli, IASL Executive Director, at maria.manoli@mail.mcgill.ca.
Eligible for inclusion as 2 hours of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) as self-reported by members of the Quebec Bar.
Please find below the link to attend the webinar:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 878 4324 9655
Passcode: 137644
About the webinar participants:
Invited speakers:
Dr John Maris, President, Cert Center Canada.
Dr John Maris is the President of Cert Center Canada and its US affiliate Advanced Aerospace Solutions, NASA’s 2015 Agency-wide subcontractor of the year.
John has Transport Canada, FAA, and UK Airline Transport Pilot licenses, with multiple type-ratings including the Boeing 747-200 “classic.” John is a Transport Canada test pilot delegate, and a practicing aeronautical engineer with a PhD in Aviation Safety and Human Factors.
John is an Associate Fellow of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots and a Fellow of the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute and of the Royal Aeronautical Society (John currently chairs the Royal Aeronautical Society’s Montreal branch).
John is an Aviation Week and Space Technology Laureate, a recipient of Canada’s oldest aeronautical prize, the Trans-Canada (McKee) trophy, and an inductee of the Canadian Aviation Hall of Fame.
Mr Tommaso Sgobba, Executive Director and Board Secretary, International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety (IAASS).
Tommaso Sgobba is Executive Director and Board Secretary of the International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety (IAASS). Until 2013 Tommaso Sgobba was head of the Independent Safety Office at the European Space Agency (ESA), including human-rated systems, spacecraft re-entries, space debris, use of nuclear power sources, and planetary protection. He joined the European Space Agency in 1989, after 13 years in the aeronautical industry. Tommaso Sgobba holds an M.S. in Aeronautical Engineering from the Polytechnic of Turin (Italy). He received the NASA recognition for outstanding contribution to the International Space Station in 2004, the NASA Space Flight Awareness (SFA) Award in 2007, and the Henry L Taylor Founder’s Award of the AsHFA in 2019.
Mr Bryan DeCouto, Technical Officer, Certification and Oversight, ICAO Air Navigation Bureau (ANB) Operations section; ICAO secretary, Instrument Flight Procedures Panel.
Bryan DeCouto is the Technical Officer, Certification and Oversight at ICAO within the Air Navigation Bureau (ANB) Operations section and is the ICAO secretary of the Instrument Flight Procedures Panel.
Before joining ICAO permanently in September 2021, Bryan was seconded to ICAO ANB from January 2017 until March 2020 and during this time led the implementation of the ICAO Global Aviation Safety Oversight System (GASOS) programme as well as the ICAO runway safety programme. From March 2020 until recently, Bryan worked for the United Kingdom delegation to ICAO as a technical expert supporting the ICAO Air Navigation Commission work programme.
Bryan was an airworthiness safety inspector for the Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority for over 10 years, performing regulatory oversight, surveillance and certification activities of international air operators.
Bryan is a licensed FAA Airframe & Powerplant maintenance engineer and holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Aerospace Engineering from Florida Institute of Technology as well as a Master’s in Aviation Safety from ENAC in Toulouse, France.
Prof Ludwig Weber, Senior Legal Adviser, ICAO; Adjunct Professor, McGill University.
Received his legal education at the Universities of Heidelberg (BCL 1975, Dr. iur., 1980) and McGill University (LL.M. 1976); German Bar (Assessor) Stuttgart 1980.
From 1982 to 1995, Legal Counsel of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), Geneva/Montreal, responsible for aviation and European law, competition and anti-trust law issues.
From 1995 to 2004, Director of the Legal Bureau of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Montreal, responsible inter alia, for the modernization of the Warsaw Convention System on air carrier liability, resulting in the adoption of the Montreal Convention of 1999, and the development of the Capetown Convention and Protocol of 2001.
From 2004 to 2017 Senior Civil Aviation Policy and Management Adviser to ICAO on a number of ICAO projects and programmes, including the establishment of the new International Registry for aircraft equipment, the Cooperative Aviation Security Programme – Asia-Pacific and other international projects. From 2017 to 2019, Senior Legal Adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates. Since 2019, Senior Legal Adviser to ICAO.
Chairman of the Board, International Foundation for Aviation and Development; he has lectured and published widely and is a member of numerous professional associations.
Introductory remarks:
Ms Maria Manoli, Executive Director and Doctoral Candidate, IASL, McGill University. Maria Manoli is the Executive Director of the Institute of Air and Space Law McGill University, where she is also completing her DCL (PhD). Her research focuses on space law, with emphasis on the emergence of private actors in the governance of outer space. Prior to her doctoral studies, she obtained a LL.M. in Air and Space Law from McGill University. She also holds a LL.M. in Public International Law and a LL.M. in Civil Law from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, where she also completed her undergraduate degree in Law. Maria has published and presented extensively in the field of space law and she has worked for several governmental and intergovernmental organizations, such as the Greek representation to ICAO and European Commission’s Single European Sky. She has often participated in international research projects in aviation and space law, and she has taught in the fields of public international law, aviation law, and space law. She is a lawyer with the Athens Bar Association of Greece. Maria is the 2021 IAWA scholarship recipient for McGill